Hi Lisbon Walking Tours
Sobre Hi Lisbon Walking Tours

Hi Lisbon Walking Tours is a local company founded to provide tours in different languages with small groups for a better experience of the city and take you out of the beaten track to show the authentic Lisbon.
Our team of local guides, are very knowledgeable, well informed, entertaining and free to give their touch according to the expectation of each group.
We are passionate about Lisbon and would like to share this love with you providing the best walking tours around the city and showing why Lisbon has become such a popular destination recently, with its charming narrow streets, lovely architecture, colorful houses, old fashion trams, delicious food and fantastic weather.


Hi Lisbon Walking Tours é uma empresa local e foi fundada para proporcionar uma experiência diferente da cidade e mostrar a autêntica Lisboa.

Nossa equipe de guias locais tem muito conhecimento, são bem informados, divertidos e livres para dar seu toque especial de acordo com as expectativas de cada grupo.

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